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The web of the future... in slides

A couple of weeks ago, I shared some thoughts on the future of the web following Artifact Providence.

As a companion piece, I wanted to share the slides from a few of the talks that had the biggest influence on how I’m thinking about the web of tomorrow.

A Web for Everyone

In what was one of the most engaging talks I’ve had the pleasure of seeing, James Williamson of rewrote his talk the night before to reflect broadly on his thinking about a web built for everyone. The slides don’t do justice to seeing James deliver this.

The Emerging Global Web

I’ve been using Stephanie Rieger’s data for years to persuade clients about the importance of progressively enhanced, device-agnostic web design. Seeing her deliver this talk on emerging global trends in web use was a delight.

Designing for the internet of things

In what was the perfect closing to an amazing two days, Josh Clark shared some emerging, very rough and early ideas on how people will be interacting with the web that goes beyond pushing pixels under glass.

Josh slides are available as a PDF here.